Youth & Family

We aim to promote the holistic development of each child; and Support families and nurture healthy relationships and bonds within them.

A variety of Sunday School-related activities are being held throughout each week. Please refer to the calendar HERE to look for the dates of the activities.
We have a nursery available for parents who wish to use it.
And, we aim to help each child or youth:
Learn to treat everyone as a fellow child of God, and to respect themselves, others, and the earth.
Develop an interest in the world around them, and appreciate the value of other cultures .
Develop an awareness of Biblical stories and themes, as well as the seasons and sacraments of the church.
Understand the values promoted in the Bible - loving one's neighbor as one's self, seeking justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with God.
Develop practices of prayer, and nurture their relationship with God
Experience being part of a loving church community that cares about and supports them.